Hi, I'm Dr Mish
Offering resilience, wellbeing and mental ​health support, training and consultancy, for individuals, businesses and organisations.
Stressed or burning out and wanting to be more resilient? Wanting to look at the 'why' and the 'how to' of the issues you face? For exclusive 1-to-1 appointments, get in touch. I'm a dual trained - psychotherapist & coach, with over 25 years of helping others change their lives. Let's talk. Book a 'meet & greet'.
​For training on resilience, wellbeing and mental health for the public, organisations and businesses, I'm here to share my knowledge and experience of working with other for over 25 years. Get in touch to see how I can help.
Are you a well-being business owner, who struggles with the juggle of life & work and want to feel resilient and content in your corner of the world? If you are ready, willing and able to make positive changes to your life, get in touch. I offer coaching and mentoring specifically for wellbeing business owners, so reach out to me to see how I can help you.
If you are someone that helps others, and looking for a professional space to reflect in your work and your own wellbeing. I can help you, to help yourself so that you can continue to be resilient in your work, through reflective and restorative supervision.

Energising, empowering, goal getting
Resilience for your corner of the world
For burnout, stress and balance
Dual trained: psychotherapy and coaching
Women wellbeing business owners
Exclusive sessions
In person
From £150 per hour
Restorative & resilience focus
Explore & gain knowledge
Reflect on practice
For professional helpers
In person
From £100 per hour
Bespoke training for organisations
Resilience focussed
Work/life stress
Vicarious trauma
Price on request

What I do
Bespoke 1-2-1 consultancy
How are you doing, really?
If you're looking for help but not sure where to start, I can help. Being both a therapist and a coach, I can work with you to create your bespoke wellbeing solution.
You may be experiencing symptoms of stress, burnout, anxiety or depression. Feeling overwhelmed, wanting to move forwards and change things but not quite sure how.
You're searching for a professional, warm, real, yet challenging space to reflect on your experiences, that's me! I draw upon my wide variety of skills to help you to work out what you might be able to do and what you could address within the therapeutic coaching space and use this in your life, so that you can develop your understanding or your self and your situation, so that you are more reislient in your corner of the world.
My exclusive 1-2-1 services can be accessed face-to-face in my consulting room in Leicestershire. Or, I offer online sessions. Please get in touch for my latest availability and fees.
Coaching & consultancy
for female wellbeing business owners
For more info head on over to hack the juggle
We're only human, right? Working as a wellbeing practitioner doesn't mean we don't have problems of our own. If you struggle with the juggle of life and work, I'm here to help you grow and thrive in all areas of your life. So that, your corner of the world is as good as it can be.
Searching for the 'balance' between life and work is a challenge. If you are a female founder of a wellbeing business who is juggling life and work, I can help.
Being pulled in different directions can feel confusing. Being courageous in promoting and growing your business can feel daunting. Developing your own sense of resilience in both your business, your life outside of work and fiercely protecting this is where I can help you.
If you are navigating a transition in your career or business, feeling lost, unclear and unsure of how to grow or pivot your professional self, I offer 1-2-1 private and corporate coaching, so that you can feel confident, clear on your professional goals and thrive.
For supervisors across the helping professions:
Being a supervisor requires a specialist set of skills and on-going development. So, who supervisors the supervisors? How do you maintain your professional standards in supervision? How often do you reflect, adapt and elevate your practice so that you provide supervision of good quality to those you supervise, so that they can continue to provide good quality work to their clients? How do you provide trauma informed supervision?
If you are looking to maintain your wellbeing, whilst offering good practice, I offer bespoke supervision consultancy specifically for supervisors, so that you have a professional space for learning, reflection and growth.
Training, consultancy and support for
professionals and organisations:
If you are a counsellor psychotherapist, psychologist, coach, work in medical settings, education, social care, pastoral, ministry or emergency services, you will need professional, independent supervision, so that you can continue to maintain resiliency, good practice and to work within a culturally attuned and trauma informed perspective. As an organisation, you may feel out of your depth about how to support those that work for you. I can help with consultations and bespoke training about resilience and wellbeing.
You may see practitioners experiencing burnout, workplace stress, strained resources and with minimal time to reflect on theirs (and yours!) overall wellbeing.
Supervision at work is usually focussed on organisational targets, with little attention given to personal factors that may be impacting on your work. The supervision I offer is focussed on resilience, well-being and being active in navigating the hazards of your work.
Perhaps you 'keep going' until you burnout, and if you are in a role that helps others you may experience symptoms of vicarious trauma or compassion fatigue. You may have issues in your personal life that are not being addressed and are impacting negatively on your professional role all. Do you 'keep going' until you hit crisis?
I can provide bespoke support for an environment or workplace culture that places the wellbeing of practitioners as a priority.
How I help you to continue to help others:
My philosophy is that prevention is key and by putting your wellbeing at the heart of what you do, so that both your professional and personal life will benefit.
I provide a reflective, restorative and trauma informed supervision space, with strategies and techniques to help optimise professional and personal wellbeing. I can offer consultative one of support or training around your resiliency needs. Or, offer on-going supervision for you and your team.
I use a combination of skills and experience to work with you and/or the organisation to determine the aims of the supervision space, well-being needs, motivation, relationship patterns, overall health and develop protective factors to increase and maintain professional resilience and personal wellbeing, so that you can continue to deliver good quality interventions.
Get in touch to see how I can help you to help others.